"I know God is real because I have a microwave," were not the words that I expected to hear from my student Eak. At first I thought this must be one of those language barrier moments that missionaries speak about so often. But as he continued to tell the story, and I tried to follow his rapid Thai, I realized that I'd heard him right. Let me back up and explain from the beginning.
Two years ago, Eak, a student at Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, would hardly look foreigners in the eye. His good friend attended our weekly Bible studies at the Grapevine Student Club. She'd tried coaxing him to our free Tuesday meals, but his shy manner prevented him from coming. A year later, though, he decided to join us for a party, and had so much fun that he returned the following week. Soon he became actively involved in the ministry, and eagerly listened as we shared stories about Christ. When we began to talk about the power of prayer, he decided to experience it for himself. That's where the microwave comes in.
At a New Year's work party, Eak's company raffled several items, including two big ticket pieces - a TV and a huge microwave. Looking around the room of over 2,000 people, Eak knew he had a slim chance to win. So he enlisted the help of God. The simple prayer crossed his lips, "God, if you are real, let me win that microwave." And he got it.
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Great story!
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