Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Here's some pix from the annual TU - Chula game in Janurary. This is THE (only?!) football game of the year. Players, cheerleaders, students, faculty, reporters, alumni celebrities, and yours truly prepared for months for the event. Yes, even I was prepared months in advance for the game. People waited in lines for HOURS to buy the cheer shirts. (I didn't....I've got connections! Thanks, KJ and Uh-Oh and Beau and Kwang) I did, however, help count the millions of colored squares that make up the above pictures of the King. The game was a tie, which for an American was a TERRIBLE way to end, but the Thai students were happy all around. The most important part of the event (or so I've been told) was the cheerleaders who all looked fabulous in their glitter and heels.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

We are considering moving The Grapevine to a new room a few doors down. The size and shape of the room is much better than our current location and we would have a new office space. If we move, however, we would have to do some construction and painting. Please keep this decision in your prayers.