Friday, December 07, 2012

Staycation in Bangkok

Normally in November Grapevine "gets away" from the stress of school and life and retreats to the mountains, or the beach, or just anywhere out of the city. This year we decided to change our approach to a weekend together - we had a staycation. We encouraged students to come and go as they had time, and instead of trying to pull away from our environment, we wanted to engage it. 

The devotions and discussions and games all emphasised the need to open your eyes and see the needs of people around you. At Grapevine we often discuss the idea of loving neighbours, but most of the time we don't look our neighbours in the eye. Especially in a huge metropolis like Bangkok, we get too focused on our next meeting, activity, or event and the crowd around us becomes a blur. The people around us become meaningless. This weekend we prayed that we would have the courage and insight to look at the crowds as people in need of our love.

Students enjoying the Duck boats at the park.

Nat - the "Two Thumbs Up" Angel

A crowded street in Bangkok

A photo of "Love in Action" for the Scavenger Hunt

Once Upon A Tuesday

We started out our new semester with a "Fairy" wonderful theme for our Tuesday night talks - Fairy Tales. When we choose a topic for discussion we often ask ourselves "What do the students want to know about?" When we decide on a message for discussion the question is more often, "What does God want to say to us?" When we choose a way to present that topic and message we say, "What do people love and what are they excited about?" 

Who doesn't love Fairy Tales?

Our discussions so far:
Once Upon a Party - Will your story turn out happily ever after?
Peter Pan - A childlike acceptance and faith
The Emperor's New Clothes - Being able to see, accept and speak truth
Cinderella - Choosing to love and serve people that hate you

Now, just because we're talking about Fairy Tales doesn't mean that A Child's Bedtime Stories has replaced the Bible. On the contrary, we're learning to see how the Bible can relate to all aspects of our life, and how all aspects of our life can be used to teach us about God. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stories of Risk

After the paintings were displayed, students had an opportunity to explain their concepts to their friends. Below is a photo and simple description of a few of our favorites.

Prae said that God has asked her to love those who hate her. No matter what  evil intentions people have toward her, she is called to respond with open arms of love.

Jub says that she sees the path that has been laid before her and can tell what direction she's supposed to take. Since no one can know the future she has to trust that the path before her is the right one. She's especially encouraged that in the uncertainty there are points of light like stars in the night which give her hope.

I choose to paint a picture about unraveling and letting God have complete control of my life. It's far too easy for me to want to hang on to what I've worked so hard to accomplish when what God is calling me to is a fresh start. And once I risk the unraveling, I take another risk - to again be shaped and formed by Him.

Boat compared himself to a frog climbing out of the mud. He could stay isolated and alone because of fear of the unknown, but if he did he would miss the adventure and beauty awaiting him in the world outside the bog.

Khem sees a beautiful life waiting for her on the other side of a dark forest. Mountains, dangerous animals and unknown experiences frighten her, but she has faith to move past that and claim the promise of joy.

Dew sees herself in a dark tunnel, but longs to move out toward the light. She is asking God to give her strength to keep growing toward the good.

Enjoy turned 21 during our Gallery Night. She says that  whether or not she likes it, God has asked her to become an adult. It's a scary thing to grow up, but she's excited about the potential in her life.

Gallery Night

In August we explored the idea of our lives being similar to blank canvases, and we actually painted, too. After the students finished their works we displayed them at Grapevine and gave everyone a chance to discuss each other's works as well as share our thoughts about the topic of risk.

Students stop to pose in the middle of the exhibit.

Students attach descriptive words to their friend's paintings.

Nat shows off our hanging questions installment.

The perfect place to view Dew's painting.

The slightly makeshift, but still delight, Grapevine Gallery.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Elephant in the Room

So let's talk about the elephant in the room.

We found him  lost in the hallway and all alone. So we rescued him. And cleaned him  up a bit.

We utilized his  unique gifts of advertisement. He's really good at bringing in a crowd.

He joins us at parties and events, and even joined in our Fourth of July dance party.

We named him Chok - dee (Good Luck) and we love him very much. Well . . . at least I love him very much. 

The end.

Another Fourth of July Party

Even though we're not in the United States of America, Grapevine always hosts a Fourth of July Party. It rivals all other Fourth Parties going on in the city, mostly because no one else is celebrating. Our students love to get together and learn about American culture, eat some good food, sing some patriotic songs, and of course, practice English. 

above: I'm really not that scary; it's my "Uncle Sam" impression.

above: Sport your American pride

above: Two cultures coming together as friends

Alumni Reunion

It's always good to see old friends at Grapevine, and this year we had a special Souper Tuesday where several schedules aligned. Former intern Raef came and shared a talk, Bank shared about his work with Habitat for Humanity, and Anas blessed us with a song. It was good to be together again and realize the impact that this community can have on people's lives and futures. 

We stopped to take a group shot.

And then they all squeezed into one taxi on the way back to Bangkok!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Golden G Awards

Each year our student leaders grow in skills and confidence. As a staff we try to encourage their unique gifts and personalities with an end of the year awards ceremony called The Golden G's. Students receive recognition for helping out in the kitchen, bringing friends, encouraging the community, and utilizing their skills. This year we add a special surprise as guest "celebrities" (really it was just use in costume . . . ) presented the certificates. The event was part awards show, part talent show and entirely hilarious. This group of students always blesses us with creativity, talent and love. 


Students show off their Golden G Awards

Aom receives an award for most hours spent at Grapevine.

Enjoy grins excitedly as she accepts her award.

All these pictures were taken by Khem who understandably received "The Golden Camera."

Sometimes Fliers Really Do Work (Part 2)

In an earlier post I mentioned a flier which connected three students with Grapevine during the start of our semester. I ended that post by saying that I believed these girls would continue to come, and that prediction came true. Jeab and Dew (Dew is pictured below) became very active members of our community last semester. They helped out washing dishes almost every week, and they frequently  serenaded me with songs from their high school days as we splashed soap and water around the kitchen. They attended almost every event, and even dressed up for our Halloween party. When we had our Thanksgiving in March dinner, they attended and participated in our Thankfulness Show and Tell. 

As Dew began to talk, she smiled as she pulled a folded piece of paper from her purse - a flier. The flier that first introduced her to Grapevine. She simply said she was grateful for this piece of paper which brought her to Grapevine and to this group of friends. Thinking back on all the wonderful talks I've had with Jeab and Dew, the games and laughs and fun we've shared, I'm pretty thankful for it, too.

If you pretend this spoon is a flier, this photo works perfectly with this blog.

Jeab and Dew get ready to enter the Haunted Maze at our Halloween Party. The scariest part of that maze was me dressed as Frida Kahlo standing at the door.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Chance Encounters

On any given day you will find me "wandering about" campus looking for divine appointments. I often take a book and sit near a crowded corner, or walk through busy hallways hoping to meet an old friend or make a new one.

A few weeks ago I started out to campus and just as I was passing by the bus stop it began to rain. I quickly decided to jump on the trolley instead of taking my normal short cut. The moment I got on I saw a friend of a friend, who eagerly called out for me to sit with her. We talked as the trolley brought her closer and closer to her dreaded afternoon class, and just as we arrived at her stop she said, "Do you want to go to a coffee shop with me? I'm going to skip class."

Now, I don't encourage skipping class, but my time as a campus minister has certainly taught me that I can't change the fact that they will skip class. I simply make the most of every opportunity as it comes to me. We went to the coffee shop and chatted for hours. The afternoon ended with a promise to meet up again sometime.

Don't judge me, but I said, "Any time you feel like you need to skip class, give me a call."
Like I said, I don't plan a student's life for them, I show up and meet them where they're at.

We love GREEN at Grapevine. So of course, we love St.Patrick's day. We also learned, thanks to our special guest speaker Perry Rubin from Auburn Christian fellowship, that God LOVES us.

Halloween in March!

It's been a semester of Holidays at grapevine, and every week's a party! Using Holidays for the Souper Tuesday theme has been a fun way to keep people entertained, and it's added a lot of creativity to our events, and our talks. Costumes, a haunted maze, and crazy games set the backdrop for a talk about a scary story - The Fall of Man. Although this isn't the typical ghost story, it highlights the common fear of death, and if the story ended there it would truly be terrifying. But the Holiday theme continues, and at the Easter Party, which will take place on April 10th, we'll share the rest of the story.

"Where o Death, is your sting?"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Finding Nemo Retreat

In mid-February Grapevine took a trip to the beach to relax and enjoy God's awesome creation.
The weekend centered on the idea of finding lost things. Students played games about searching, performed wacky skits and loosing something important, and shared in discussions about redemption and forgiveness. One student, View, was able to share her testimony about being found by Christ. Of course, everyone found something while on the trip - a cute little puppy or an interesting seashell . . . or it might have been new Friends.

above: View, Michal Ruth, and Aom standing on the beach.

above: Michal Ruth with View

above: students take one last photo before heading home

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Sometimes Fliers Really Do Work

Every semester starts off with a big promotional push for those of us in campus ministry. Trying to catch them before their schedule picks up, we strike out to every canteen and busy intersection and give away fliers and candy. After a few smiles and quick conversations, aided by more fliers and candy, we've talked to hundreds of students. Some of them appear genuinely interested. Most I'll never see again. But at least we've gotten our name out on campus.

Usually the fliers bring in a group of first timers to the next event. Sometimes they stick around, and sometimes they don't. That's just the way the process works. I've come to accept that fact.

Sometimes these random bits of paper take me entirely by surprise.

Last week three girls showed up near the end of our Bible study, and slipped in near the door. Afterward I went to talk with them, and asked if they had a friend at grapevine. They said that no they didn't know anyone here, but they had received a flier three weeks ago, and hadn't been free to come sooner. They'd kept the information and had been so excited to join that they showed up long after I'd anticipated seeing any real results from our opening promotion. They've also returned and, I believe, will keep coming back.

Sometimes fliers just get tossed out and trampled mere seconds after they've been handed out, and sometimes, not unlike a seed, they really do work.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Giving Thanks in All Circumstances
I love this photo that my roommate Grace took before we started our flood clean up. Such an appropriate hidden message to find scribbled on the walls of Grapevine.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Flood Clean Up

When we returned to Grapevine after almost two months of "floodcation," we had a daunting task ahead of us. Mud and mold covered the floors and walls. Furniture literally fell apart as we tried to pick it up, and mice had destroyed many cords and containers that the water hadn't reached. But with a little elbow grease and sweat, new paint and plenty of shopping trips, we were able to give our old rooms a fresh new look. We've already opened our doors and students are enjoying a new semester and a new place to hang out.

If you would like to help financially with the flood renovations

Reasons to Give Thanks

Mid-November typically finds us scurrying around preparing for the opening of second semester. We plan a retreat to the mountains, and fun activities to welcome students back to Thammasat. I never have to conjure up reasons to give thanks at our Thanksgiving dinner because grapevine fills up with wonderful smells and overflows with students. This November Grapevine

overflowed again - with water.

Learning that the flooding in Rangsit would not only postpone the second semester for two months, but also cancel our Thanksgiving party, I felt disappointed. I always love the November activities. And yet, the more we waited through the flood the more I realized the blessing of rest. This year, we had plenty of time to prepare for the second semester and refocus on the importance of what we do. The time has given us the opportunity to get to know our church community better, to reach out to victims of the flood, and get to know student volunteers.

And not only did we get a chance to relax, we came up with a great theme for our second semester Souper Tuesdays - HOLIDAYS! We'll celebrate a different holiday every week, and find out what lessons God can teach us through these celebrations. The good news is there's always a reason to give thanks.

The flood has wrecked our plans, but we thank God that He promises to guide and teach us if we come to Him with willing and grateful hearts.