Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Giving Thanks in All Circumstances
I love this photo that my roommate Grace took before we started our flood clean up. Such an appropriate hidden message to find scribbled on the walls of Grapevine.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Flood Clean Up

When we returned to Grapevine after almost two months of "floodcation," we had a daunting task ahead of us. Mud and mold covered the floors and walls. Furniture literally fell apart as we tried to pick it up, and mice had destroyed many cords and containers that the water hadn't reached. But with a little elbow grease and sweat, new paint and plenty of shopping trips, we were able to give our old rooms a fresh new look. We've already opened our doors and students are enjoying a new semester and a new place to hang out.

If you would like to help financially with the flood renovations

Reasons to Give Thanks

Mid-November typically finds us scurrying around preparing for the opening of second semester. We plan a retreat to the mountains, and fun activities to welcome students back to Thammasat. I never have to conjure up reasons to give thanks at our Thanksgiving dinner because grapevine fills up with wonderful smells and overflows with students. This November Grapevine

overflowed again - with water.

Learning that the flooding in Rangsit would not only postpone the second semester for two months, but also cancel our Thanksgiving party, I felt disappointed. I always love the November activities. And yet, the more we waited through the flood the more I realized the blessing of rest. This year, we had plenty of time to prepare for the second semester and refocus on the importance of what we do. The time has given us the opportunity to get to know our church community better, to reach out to victims of the flood, and get to know student volunteers.

And not only did we get a chance to relax, we came up with a great theme for our second semester Souper Tuesdays - HOLIDAYS! We'll celebrate a different holiday every week, and find out what lessons God can teach us through these celebrations. The good news is there's always a reason to give thanks.

The flood has wrecked our plans, but we thank God that He promises to guide and teach us if we come to Him with willing and grateful hearts.