International Flavor
Every semester we have many nationalities represented at Grapevine. Not only do we connect with Thai students, we also meet exchange students from all over the globe places as close as Vietnam and China, and places from further away like South Africa, Germany, and Brazil. This semester we celebrated the beautiful nature of our cultural heritages with an International Night. The event included foods from around the world, games, mixed languages and of course, PEOPLE.
One of my favorite aspects of Globalscope, the International Campus Ministry branch of CMF, is that we all have a passion for reaching out to students throughout the world. As we train up leaders we hope that they too will develop a passion for sharing Christ's love with the nations. In the past two years we've had the opportunity of hosting interns from two other Globalscope ministries. In God's timing, we hope that Grapevine will send out interns and exchange students into this larger community.