Thursday, April 05, 2012

Chance Encounters

On any given day you will find me "wandering about" campus looking for divine appointments. I often take a book and sit near a crowded corner, or walk through busy hallways hoping to meet an old friend or make a new one.

A few weeks ago I started out to campus and just as I was passing by the bus stop it began to rain. I quickly decided to jump on the trolley instead of taking my normal short cut. The moment I got on I saw a friend of a friend, who eagerly called out for me to sit with her. We talked as the trolley brought her closer and closer to her dreaded afternoon class, and just as we arrived at her stop she said, "Do you want to go to a coffee shop with me? I'm going to skip class."

Now, I don't encourage skipping class, but my time as a campus minister has certainly taught me that I can't change the fact that they will skip class. I simply make the most of every opportunity as it comes to me. We went to the coffee shop and chatted for hours. The afternoon ended with a promise to meet up again sometime.

Don't judge me, but I said, "Any time you feel like you need to skip class, give me a call."
Like I said, I don't plan a student's life for them, I show up and meet them where they're at.

We love GREEN at Grapevine. So of course, we love St.Patrick's day. We also learned, thanks to our special guest speaker Perry Rubin from Auburn Christian fellowship, that God LOVES us.

Halloween in March!

It's been a semester of Holidays at grapevine, and every week's a party! Using Holidays for the Souper Tuesday theme has been a fun way to keep people entertained, and it's added a lot of creativity to our events, and our talks. Costumes, a haunted maze, and crazy games set the backdrop for a talk about a scary story - The Fall of Man. Although this isn't the typical ghost story, it highlights the common fear of death, and if the story ended there it would truly be terrifying. But the Holiday theme continues, and at the Easter Party, which will take place on April 10th, we'll share the rest of the story.

"Where o Death, is your sting?"