Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I realized last night as I lugged my baggage toward the exit of the airport,
that Hello is a beautiful word in any language. For the past few days I've been
numb to feelings. This numbness came partly because I'd said goodbye so much.
Goodbye has drained me of emotion.

Yet, walking past a swarm of weary travelers into the excited mass of
greeters at the Bangkok airport, I did begin to feel again. I sympathezied with
Anne of Green Gables who, ". . .felt broken down and green and provincial and
only ten years old." But regardless of what emotions churned inside of me, I
felt. I felt the beginning of green spring, and the broken pieces being
restored. I remembered the dreams of my innocent childhood. For the first time
in a long time, my old dream has become new again.

Behold, He turns all things new. I praise God for His continual redemption.

Somethings you might want to pray for:

That I'll drink plenty of water and not get dehydrated. (Thanks, Mom)

I'll adjust relatively easy to culture and time zone. So far so good, slept
through the night last night and woke up at 6:30 like a morning person!

That I won't get run over on my bike. I like the little bike bell too much to
have it destroyed.

Of course, that my life brings honor to God. I've learned a lot about trusting
His timing and enjoying this journey. I want this high and wide and deep
overwhelming love to spill out onto every person that I meet.

Now, here's a little snippet from a song compliments of the "Go Away, Michal
Ruth," song collection.

"Hello, Hello. I don't know why you say goodbye, I say Hello."

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