Thursday, June 29, 2006

Looks like the Back to School fever has run it's course in Thailand and the epidemic may soon end. At the Grapevine, an end to the beginning will soothe our spirits. The last few weeks have challenged us physically and emotionally as we have re-opened for the school year. All our kick-off events have reconnected us with last years students, and the exchange students have already introduced us to many new faces. Now, as the students settle in to their daily routine, we can settle into ours. Fun on Campus (F.O.C.) and Market on Mondays, Grape Jam (Music and Food) on Tuesdays, Cafe English on Wednesdays, Met Angoon (Bible Study) on Thursday, and Orphanage and Frunch (lunch on campus) on Friday. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we build relationships with these students and show Christ's love to them throughout this school year.

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