Friday, December 07, 2012

Staycation in Bangkok

Normally in November Grapevine "gets away" from the stress of school and life and retreats to the mountains, or the beach, or just anywhere out of the city. This year we decided to change our approach to a weekend together - we had a staycation. We encouraged students to come and go as they had time, and instead of trying to pull away from our environment, we wanted to engage it. 

The devotions and discussions and games all emphasised the need to open your eyes and see the needs of people around you. At Grapevine we often discuss the idea of loving neighbours, but most of the time we don't look our neighbours in the eye. Especially in a huge metropolis like Bangkok, we get too focused on our next meeting, activity, or event and the crowd around us becomes a blur. The people around us become meaningless. This weekend we prayed that we would have the courage and insight to look at the crowds as people in need of our love.

Students enjoying the Duck boats at the park.

Nat - the "Two Thumbs Up" Angel

A crowded street in Bangkok

A photo of "Love in Action" for the Scavenger Hunt

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